St Dominic's is a welcoming community of devoted Catholic Christians looking towards evangelization and justice.
Faith in Action
St Dominic’s is a sincere community of faith, working in a variety of ways to improve the quality of life of others. We warmly invite you to reach out to our dedicated social justice groups, whose members are putting their faith into action.
Welcoming the Stranger:
St Dominic's Refugee Support Group
St Dominic’s Welcoming the Stranger group (link here) was set up in 2013 to support people in Australia who are seeking asylum. Through the generous support of parishioners the group have been able to provide accommodation and other support to families referred to us by Sr Brigid Arthur at the Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project. The families have been from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Iraq and Iran.
Contact: Peter Charles on 0400 798 139.
Young Adults
Our newly established Young Adults Group meets monthly. All young adults 18-30 are welcome. A talk aimed at the growth and formation of young adults is given, followed by supper.
Young Adults are warmly invited to the 6pm Youth Mass preceding the monthly meeting. Details are advertised in the bulletin each month.
Enquiries should be directed to:
Lydia (0478 675 089), or Jacob (0401 458 816)
Justice and Peace Group
The St Dominic’s Justice and Peace group works on behalf of the parish to build awareness of social justice issues. The group regularly engages with community initiatives such as food drives for local charities, advises on parish donations to support communities in need, and advocates for social justice issues.
Click here for more information.
Contact: 0418 136 372 or call the Parish office at 9912 6870
St Vincent de Paul Society
The St Dominic’s conference of SVdP is active in supporting the poor in the area, as well as those who are in need in the public housing areas of central South Melbourne. The parish offers sandwich and soup van ministries.
Contact: Bob Solly on 0411 203 772
New Catholics
St Dominic’s supports the ongoing faith formation of those new to the Faith, by providing daily Eucharist and confession.
Since prayer makes up a large part of our daily Christian life, our church doors are open from 7am until 7pm for private prayer. We also support two devotional groups in the parish; the St Catherine of Siena Group which meets on Wednesdays at 4pm for Holy Hour, and the Divine Mercy Group that meets on Fridays at 10.45 am for Holy Hour. You are encouraged to join these groups in prayer.
Dominicare is a long-established part of the parish community, providing help for fellow parishioners with tasks such as transport, shopping, nursing home visits and even changing light bulbs.
Contact: 0481 296 547 or call the Parish office on 0468 584 309
Group on the Grounds
The Parish welcomes help from volunteers able to provide occasional maintenance support. Responsibilities include minor repairs or upgrades to fittings and furniture restoration, as well as blutack and cobwebs removal. If you might have time from time to time, please give your details to the Parish Office via
Parish Support - Admin Support Group
The Admin support group meets weekly, to help with tasks such as the covering of hymn books, distribution of mailouts, maintenance of stationery and other tasks as they arise, while enjoying time to socialise. The group welcomes new members; the commitment can be casual, to suit the time members can spare. Please contact the parish office to enquire about volunteering, via
Finance Committee
St Dominic’s Parish Finance Committee advises the Parish Priest in administering the parish finances and assets, and in planning capital works and fund raising, as required by Canon Law. The Committee can have as many as 9 voting members, with at least 3 of the members appointed for their experience in management, accounting, legal, business or financial matters. The Committee’s meetings are convened at least 4 times a year. At present the Parish Finance Committee has 6 members. Parishioners who would like to serve on the Committee are invited to express their interest to
Fr Paul (
Pastoral Council
With the Parish Priest and pastoral team, the Parish Pastoral Council will lead the growth of St Dominic’s Parish as a welcoming Catholic community of worship, spiritual richness, and service. As an advisory body to the Parish Priest, the Parish Pastoral Council engages with parishioners on pastoral strategies and initiatives, including maintaining regular contact with the various ministry groups operating as part of the Parish. It also initiates, encourages, and supports parish ministries and related events. Its members advise and are consulted by the Parish Priest and pastoral team on pastoral strategies and initiatives.
What happens when the collection is taken up during the Mass? Well, it needs counting! If anyone is interested in helping our volunteers count the weekly collection, your assistance would be appreciated. Please contact our office for registration and rostering.