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Thank you for supporting St Dominic’s Parish.

Currently there are three options on how you can contribute (recurring or one-off giving) to our Parish:

  • Option 1: via CDFPay

  • Option 2: via EFT

  • Option 3: via credit card


Please complete the relevant form (by clicking the button below) according to your preferred option. For option 2 and 3, please email your completed form to or return it to the parish office either by post (816 Riversdale Road, Camberwell VIC 3124) or in person (Mon - Fri: 10am - 3pm, except public holidays). 

Please be informed that contributions are not receipted.

If you are contributing via EFT or credit card, you can change your contribution amount by completing the form again and return it as mentioned above. You can also cancel your contribution at any time, please inform us via email to 


Thank you for considering a gift to St Dominic's Catholic Church in your will. Your gift will provide the financial support needed for our parish to continue its mission.


A bequest can be a specific sum of money, an item or piece of property or a percentage of an estate. See below for suggested bequest clauses.


If you do not have a will, or if you would like to amend your will, we recommend for you to seek the appropriate legal advice on how to create/amend one and to make a bequest in your will.

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© 2023 St Dominic's Parish

816 Riversdale Road

Camberwell, Vic 3124

Phone: 0468 584 309

Site design and photography by School Presence

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