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Pilgrim Place

The year of Our Lord 2025 is the first jubilee of the new millennium.  The Church marks a jubilee every 25 years as a special time for grace and conversion.  This jubilee we celebrate the hope which "does not disappoint us because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us." (Romans 5:5).


We are so pleased that Archbishop Comensoli has designated St Dominic's Church as a local Pilgrim Place for the Jubilee AD 2025, celebrated from 29 December 2024 to 28 December 2025 - the Feast of the Holy Family.


St Dominic's warmly invites everyone, whether as individual pilgrims or in groups, to celebrate our sure hope in Christ.  Here pilgrims will have their hope strengthened by receiving graces through the sacraments and obtaining the jubilee indulgences.


In the name of the Lord, welcome!

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The Jubilee Indulgences

Indulgences are a wonderful support on the great pilgrimage towards heaven.
They orient hearts towards God and are characterised by a mysterious interior renewal.

Indulgences are a way to reduce the time a person spends in Purgatory after they die for sins which have been forgiven.  Christians can obtain an indulgence for themselves or for someone who has died, by meeting certain conditions.


What are the conditions for the Jubilee plenary indulgence?

To obtain the Jubilee indulgence, pilgrims visit St Dominic's or any other Pilgrim Place and remain there for a suitable period of time, engage in Eucharistic adoration or meditation then conclude their time of prayer with the Our Father, the Profession of Faith, and the Hail Mary (or any other invocation to Mary the Mother of God).  This is in addition to the usual requirements of receiving Holy Communion, making a sacramental confession, and praying at least an Our Father and a Hail Mary for the intentions of the Holy Father - in a spirit completely detached from all sin.  ​​By fulfilling these conditions while they are at St Dominic's or any other a Pilgrim Place, the grace of the Jubilee indulgence is granted.


How often can I receive the Jubilee plenary indulgence?

Normally only one plenary indulgence can be received per day, but for the duration of the 2025 Jubilee Year, pilgrims will be able to obtain a second, on condition that they have carried out an act of charity offered for the souls in purgatory and received Holy Communion a second time that day at Mass or as Viaticum.

Pilgrim Groups

Parishes and groups are warmly invited to make a pilgrimage to St Dominic's together.  It is possible to make a booking to use the Church and Parish Centre for your pilgrim visit.

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"The death and resurrection of Jesus
is the heart of our faith
and the basis of our hope."

- Pope Francis.

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