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Social Groups

Exercise Classes

Here at St Dominic’s we offer two exercise classes. On Tuesday mornings 9:45 - 10:30, we hold a chair-based group for those wishing to improve their balance, strength and agility. Current participants’ age range is between 60 and 102. 

On Friday mornings from 9:30 -10:30,  we offer exercises with a wider range of movements to participants with ages between 35-65.


In both classes participants are asked for a donation of $10 which is distributed to various charities as decided by the classes.

For more info, please contact Amanda Cubit our exercise group instructor on 0410 685 224 or

Walking Club

The Parish Walking Group meets on a Monday late in each month to walk, chat and stop for coffee. Walks are advertised in the Dominican Newsletter in advance. All are welcome. Please call Maureen if you need a lift or any further information, on 0426 424 116.

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Tennis Club

Established by Fr Hogan in 1925 on the site of what is now the church car park, and moved to its present site adjoining St Dominic's School in 1939, the Tennis Club continues to draw together parishioners and friends for recreation and fellowship. To be a part of our historic club and use its facilities, please contact Peter Davy: 9836 7112.



10 Wiringa Avenue

Camberwell East VIC 3124

Coffee and Conversation

The Coffee and Conversation Club meet at 10am every first Wednesday of the month in the Dominic Room, where they share morning tea. The group raises funds each month for a stipend, which goes towards a Mass intention for the Parish. All are welcome. 

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© 2023 St Dominic's Parish

816 Riversdale Road

Camberwell, Vic 3124

Phone: 0468 584 309

Site design and photography by School Presence

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