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Safeguarding Children & Young People
How to meet requirements:

St Dominic’s Parish holds the care, safety and wellbeing of children as a fundamental responsibility. This page provides links and information relating to our commitment as a parish to be a safe place for all.​​


Provision will be made for parishioners who are not in a position to complete these arrangements online. Please contact the Parish office to access this assistance.



As part of our safeguarding policy, all clergy, staff and volunteers at St Dominic’s

are required to meet three requirements:

1. Code of Conduct Declaration:

Click here to read and sign our Code of Conduct declaration.  You are then asked to return a signed copy of the Declaration to the parish office, by mail, in person or by email –​​​​​

2. Working with Children Check (WWCC). 

Click here to obtain a WWCC.  In completing this application you should record that you are volunteering at St Dominic’s parish.  If you already have a WWCC but have not yet linked it to St Dominic’s Parish, you can click here to update your record online.   Alternatively, if you are registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching, you can send a copy of your current registration to the parish office, and advise Services Victoria that you are volunteering at St Dominic's.

3. Safeguarding Essentials training module:

Once you have a WWCC or VIT number, you can complete this Archdiocesan requirement. Here is the link to access that module, which will take around 60 minutes. On completion you’ll receive a certificate, which should be sent to the Parish Office.

4. Police Check (for some)

Clergy and staff, and some volunteers, also need a police check. Volunteers who need this will be advised by the parish. Applications can then be made through Services Victoria, using the discount code that the parish will provide.



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© 2023 St Dominic's Parish


816 Riversdale Road

Camberwell, Vic 3124


Phone: 0468 584 309


Site design and photography by School Presence

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